diff --git a/core/main.js b/core/main.js index a90baf5c7d6dc46e161c80c94f5f6028d5cf8b50..0c7ead82399ec3491e0943bd01acc1414a06b874 100644 --- a/core/main.js +++ b/core/main.js @@ -13,10 +13,20 @@ 'use strict'; +/** + * Main + */ + +var main = {}; + /** * Initializations */ +chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo(function (information) { + main.operatingSystem = information.os; +}); + if (typeof chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor !== 'function') { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor = function () {}; diff --git a/core/state-manager.js b/core/state-manager.js index af376a61df6d511b3cd662a44595325964322d98..7839a937e24df38cb1244df6454c4b97868f5543 100644 --- a/core/state-manager.js +++ b/core/state-manager.js @@ -78,6 +78,28 @@ stateManager.registerInjection = function (tabIdentifier, injection) { } }; +stateManager.addDomainToWhitelist = function (domain) { + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + + let whitelistedDomains = requestAnalyzer.whitelistedDomains; + whitelistedDomains[domain] = true; + + chrome.storage.local.set({whitelistedDomains}, resolve); + }); +}; + +stateManager.deleteDomainFromWhitelist = function (domain) { + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + + let whitelistedDomains = requestAnalyzer.whitelistedDomains; + delete whitelistedDomains[domain]; + + chrome.storage.local.set({whitelistedDomains}, resolve); + }); +}; + /** * Private Methods */ diff --git a/modules/fontawesome/packs/solid.js b/modules/fontawesome/packs/solid.js index 83a56a46f4009b7b5d4d954fa813a5f736548454..16ae17da3d56b36320963c366af9519fe4841e9d 100644 --- a/modules/fontawesome/packs/solid.js +++ b/modules/fontawesome/packs/solid.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -!function(){"use strict";function c(c){if(null===c||void 0===c)throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined");return Object(c)}function l(c){"function"==typeof V.hooks.addPack?V.hooks.addPack(c,h):V.packs[c]=a({},V.packs[c]||{},h)}var h={cog:[512,512,[],"f013","M444.788 291.1l42.616 24.599c4.867 2.809 7.126 8.618 5.459 13.985-11.07 35.642-29.97 67.842-54.689 94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832 2.254l-42.584-24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1-60.759 35.13v49.182a12.01 12.01 0 0 1-9.377 11.718c-34.956 7.85-72.499 8.256-109.219.007-5.49-1.233-9.403-6.096-9.403-11.723v-49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1-60.759-35.13l-42.584 24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832-2.254c-24.718-26.744-43.619-58.944-54.689-94.586-1.667-5.366.592-11.175 5.459-13.985L67.212 291.1a193.48 193.48 0 0 1 0-70.199l-42.616-24.599c-4.867-2.809-7.126-8.618-5.459-13.985 11.07-35.642 29.97-67.842 54.689-94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832-2.254l42.584 24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1 60.759-35.13V25.759a12.01 12.01 0 0 1 9.377-11.718c34.956-7.85 72.499-8.256 109.219-.007 5.49 1.233 9.403 6.096 9.403 11.723v49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1 60.759 35.13l42.584-24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832 2.254c24.718 26.744 43.619 58.944 54.689 94.586 1.667 5.366-.592 11.175-5.459 13.985L444.788 220.9a193.485 193.485 0 0 1 0 70.2zM336 256c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80s-80 35.888-80 80 35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80z"],"power-off":[512,512,[],"f011","M400 54.1c63 45 104 118.6 104 201.9 0 136.8-110.8 247.7-247.5 248C120 504.3 8.2 393 8 256.4 7.9 173.1 48.9 99.3 111.8 54.2c11.7-8.3 28-4.8 35 7.7L162.6 90c5.9 10.5 3.1 23.8-6.6 31-41.5 30.8-68 79.6-68 134.9-.1 92.3 74.5 168.1 168 168.1 91.6 0 168.6-74.2 168-169.1-.3-51.8-24.7-101.8-68.1-134-9.7-7.2-12.4-20.5-6.5-30.9l15.8-28.1c7-12.4 23.2-16.1 34.8-7.8zM296 264V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-32c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v240c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24z"],"shield-alt":[512,512,[],"f3ca","M496 128c0 221.282-135.934 344.645-221.539 380.308a48 48 0 0 1-36.923 0C130.495 463.713 16 326.487 16 128a48 48 0 0 1 29.539-44.308l192-80a48 48 0 0 1 36.923 0l192 80A48 48 0 0 1 496 128zM256 446.313l.066.034c93.735-46.689 172.497-156.308 175.817-307.729L256 65.333v380.98z"]},v=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,z=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,H=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,a=function(){try{if(!Object.assign)return!1;var c=new String("abc");if(c[5]="de","5"===Object.getOwnPropertyNames(c)[0])return!1;for(var l={},h=0;h<10;h++)l["_"+String.fromCharCode(h)]=h;if("0123456789"!==Object.getOwnPropertyNames(l).map(function(c){return l[c]}).join(""))return!1;var v={};return"abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(c){v[c]=c}),"abcdefghijklmnopqrst"===Object.keys(Object.assign({},v)).join("")}catch(c){return!1}}()?Object.assign:function(l,h){for(var a,M,V=c(l),f=1;f<arguments.length;f++){a=Object(arguments[f]);for(var e in a)z.call(a,e)&&(V[e]=a[e]);if(v){M=v(a);for(var m=0;m<M.length;m++)H.call(a,M[m])&&(V[M[m]]=a[M[m]])}}return V},M=a({},{namespace:"___FONT_AWESOME___",familyPrefix:"fa",replacementClass:"svg-inline--fa",autoReplaceSvg:!0,autoA11y:!0,observeMutations:!0,keepOriginalSource:!0,measurePerformance:!1},window.FontAwesomeConfig||{});M.autoReplaceSvg||(M.observeMutations=!1),window[M.namespace]||(window[M.namespace]={}),window[M.namespace].packs||(window[M.namespace].packs={}),window[M.namespace].hooks||(window[M.namespace].hooks={}),window[M.namespace].shims||(window[M.namespace].shims=[]);var V=window[M.namespace];l("fas"),l("fa")}(); 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+/** + * Popup + */ + +var popup = {}; + +/** + * Constants + */ + +const WEB_DOMAIN_EXPRESSION = /:\/\/(.[^\/]+)(.*)/; +const WEB_PREFIX_VALUE = 'www.'; +const WEB_PREFIX_LENGTH = WEB_PREFIX_VALUE.length; + /** * Initializations */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { - let i18nElements, saveButtonElement, blockMissingElement, domainWhitelistElement; + let optionsButtonElement, i18nElements; + + optionsButtonElement = document.getElementById('options-button'); + optionsButtonElement.setAttribute('title', 'Options'); i18nElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n-content]'); @@ -36,9 +53,15 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { - browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo(function (information) { + browser.runtime.getBackgroundPage().then(function (backgroundPage) { + + if (backgroundPage === null) { + return; + } + + popup.backgroundPage = backgroundPage; - if (information.os === 'android') { + if (backgroundPage.main.operatingSystem === 'android') { browser.tabs.getCurrent().then(function (tab) { @@ -47,26 +70,85 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { }); }); } - }); - browser.runtime.getBackgroundPage().then(function (backgroundPage) { + let injections, injectionOverview, domain; - if (backgroundPage == null) { - return; + injections = backgroundPage.stateManager.tabs[tabs[0].id].injections; + injectionOverview = {}; + + try { + domain = tabs[0].url.match(WEB_DOMAIN_EXPRESSION)[1]; + } catch (exception) { + domain = null; } - let injections, injectionOverview; + if (domain !== null) { - injections = backgroundPage.stateManager.tabs[tabs[0].id].injections; - injectionOverview = {}; + let websiteContextElement, protectionToggleElement, domainIndicatorElement; - for (let injection in injections) { + websiteContextElement = document.getElementById('website-context'); + protectionToggleElement = document.getElementById('protection-toggle-button'); + domainIndicatorElement = document.getElementById('domain-indicator'); + + if (domain.startsWith(WEB_PREFIX_VALUE)) { + domain = domain.slice(WEB_PREFIX_LENGTH); + } + + domainIndicatorElement.innerText = domain; + + if (!backgroundPage.requestAnalyzer.whitelistedDomains[domain]) { + + protectionToggleElement.setAttribute('class', 'button button-toggle active'); + protectionToggleElement.setAttribute('title', 'Disable protection for this site'); - let injectionSource, libraryName; + protectionToggleElement.addEventListener('click', function () { + + backgroundPage.stateManager.addDomainToWhitelist(domain).then(function () { + + chrome.tabs.reload(tabs[0].id); + + if (backgroundPage.main.operatingSystem === 'android') { + + return browser.tabs.getCurrent().then(function (tab) { + browser.tabs.remove(tab.id); + }); + } + + window.close(); + }); + }); + + } else { + + protectionToggleElement.setAttribute('class', 'button button-toggle'); + protectionToggleElement.setAttribute('title', 'Enable protection for this site'); + + protectionToggleElement.addEventListener('click', function () { + + backgroundPage.stateManager.deleteDomainFromWhitelist(domain).then(function () { + + chrome.tabs.reload(tabs[0].id); + + if (backgroundPage.main.operatingSystem === 'android') { + + return browser.tabs.getCurrent().then(function (tab) { + browser.tabs.remove(tab.id); + }); + } + + window.close(); + }); + }); + } + + websiteContextElement.setAttribute('class', 'panel'); + } + + for (let injection in injections) { injection = injections[injection]; - injectionSource = injection.source; + let injectionSource = injection.source; injectionOverview[injectionSource] = injectionOverview[injectionSource] || []; injectionOverview[injectionSource].push({ @@ -139,17 +221,17 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { listElement.appendChild(listItemElement); subListElement = document.createElement('ul'); - subListElement.setAttribute('class', 'sub-list'); + subListElement.setAttribute('class', 'sublist'); listElement.appendChild(subListElement); - cdn.forEach(function (injection) { + for (let injection of cdn) { let subListItemElement, resourcePathDetails, resourceFilename, resourceName, resourceNameTextNode, sideNoteElement, sideNoteTextNode; subListItemElement = document.createElement('li'); - subListItemElement.setAttribute('class', 'sub-list-item'); + subListItemElement.setAttribute('class', 'sublist-item'); resourcePathDetails = injection.path.split('/'); resourceFilename = resourcePathDetails[resourcePathDetails.length - 1]; @@ -212,34 +294,29 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { subListItemElement.appendChild(sideNoteElement); subListElement.appendChild(subListItemElement); - }); + } } if (Object.keys(injectionOverview).length > 0) { - let popupContentElement = document.getElementById('popup-content'); - let injectionCounterElement = document.getElementById('injection-counter'); - - popupContentElement.insertBefore(listElement, injectionCounterElement); + let websiteContextElement = document.getElementById('website-context'); + websiteContextElement.append(listElement); } }); }); }); - document.getElementById('options-button').addEventListener('mouseup', function () { - - browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo(function (information) { + optionsButtonElement.addEventListener('mouseup', function () { - if (information.os === 'android') { + if (popup.backgroundPage.main.operatingSystem === 'android') { - return chrome.tabs.create({ - 'url': chrome.extension.getURL('pages/options/options.html') - }); - } + return chrome.tabs.create({ + 'url': chrome.extension.getURL('pages/options/options.html') + }); + } - chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); - return window.close(); - }); + chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); + return window.close(); }); document.getElementById('testing-utility-link').addEventListener('mouseup', function (event) {