From 76342f5b4260e7a2ab7eff9af31fb54456e861c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Rientjes <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 23:05:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improve formatting of existing locale files

 _locales/ar/messages.json    | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/bg/messages.json    | 104 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 _locales/en_GB/messages.json | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/es/messages.json    | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/et/messages.json    | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/hu/messages.json    | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/id/messages.json    | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/ja/messages.json    |   2 +-
 _locales/pl/messages.json    | 102 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 _locales/sv/messages.json    |   2 +-
 10 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 411 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_locales/ar/messages.json b/_locales/ar/messages.json
index f345014..3a501cc 100644
--- a/_locales/ar/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/ar/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"يحميك من التتبع المرتبط بالوصول للمحتوى \"مجاني\"، مركزية.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "يحميك من التتبع المرتبط بالوصول للمحتوى \"مجاني\"، مركزية.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"أوقف الحماية لهذا الموقع",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "أوقف الحماية لهذا الموقع",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"فعّل الحماية",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "فعّل الحماية",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"عداد محلي للموارد المحقونة",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "عداد محلي للموارد المحقونة",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"إجمالي موارد الـ CDN اللتي تم حقنها محليا منذ التثبيت.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "إجمالي موارد الـ CDN اللتي تم حقنها محليا منذ التثبيت.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"الخيارات",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "الخيارات",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"عرض مجموع الحقن على الأيقونة",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "عرض مجموع الحقن على الأيقونة",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"إظهار عدد الموارد المحقونة على أيقونة الملحق.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "إظهار عدد الموارد المحقونة على أيقونة الملحق.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"حظر طلبات الموارد المفقودة",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "حظر طلبات الموارد المفقودة",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"إلغاء طلب الموارد إذا كانت متوفرة محليا.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "إلغاء طلب الموارد إذا كانت متوفرة محليا.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"تعطيل الجلب المسبق للرابط",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "تعطيل الجلب المسبق للرابط",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"الحيلولة دون تسرّب الطلبات الممنوعة الى شبكات التوصيل.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "الحيلولة دون تسرّب الطلبات الممنوعة الى شبكات التوصيل.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"إزالة بيانات التعريف من الطلبات المسموحة",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "إزالة بيانات التعريف من الطلبات المسموحة",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"مسح البيانات الحساسة من طلبات CDN المسموحة لتحسين الخصوصية.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "مسح البيانات الحساسة من طلبات CDN المسموحة لتحسين الخصوصية.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"لا تتفحص النطاقات",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "لا تتفحص النطاقات",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"حدد النطاقات التي سوف يتم تجاهلها. إفصل المداخل المتعددة بـفاصلة منقوطة (;).",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "حدد النطاقات التي سوف يتم تجاهلها. إفصل المداخل المتعددة بـفاصلة منقوطة (;).",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"متقدم",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "متقدم",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/bg/messages.json b/_locales/bg/messages.json
index 379c537..b9cce5b 100644
--- a/_locales/bg/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/bg/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Защитава ви от следене чрез свободна, централизирана доставка на съдържание.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Защитава ви от следене чрез свободна, централизирана доставка на съдържание.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Изключване на защитата за страницата",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Изключване на защитата за страницата",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Включване на защита",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Включване на защита",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Брояч за местно вмъкнати ресурси",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Брояч за местно вмъкнати ресурси",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Количество на местни вмъквания на ресурси от началото на инсталацията.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Количество на местни вмъквания на ресурси от началото на инсталацията.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Настройки",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Настройки",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Показване на броя на вмъкванията в иконката",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Показване на броя на вмъкванията в иконката",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"Показване на броя на вмъкнатите ресурси в иконката на разширението.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "Показване на броя на вмъкнатите ресурси в иконката на разширението.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Блокиране на заявки за липсващи ресурси",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Блокиране на заявки за липсващи ресурси",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Отмяна на прехванатата заявка, ако изисквания ресурс не е наличен на местно ниво.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Отмяна на прехванатата заявка, ако изисквания ресурс не е наличен на местно ниво.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Изключване на предварителното извличане на препратки",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Изключване на предварителното извличане на препратки",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Предотвратява изтичането на забранени заявки към мрежи за доставка.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Предотвратява изтичането на забранени заявки към мрежи за доставка.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Премахване на метаданните от разрешени заявки",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Премахване на метаданните от разрешени заявки",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Изтриване на чувствителни данни от допустимите заявки от МДС за подобряване на неприкосновеността.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Изтриване на чувствителни данни от допустимите заявки от МДС за подобряване на неприкосновеността.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Изключване на домейни от проверки",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Изключване на домейни от проверки",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Въведете домейни, които да се добавят в белия списък. Отделете стойностите с точка и запетая.",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Въведете домейни, които да се добавят в белия списък. Отделете стойностите с точка и запетая.",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Подробности",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Подробности",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/en_GB/messages.json b/_locales/en_GB/messages.json
index 20ee925..7f639bc 100644
--- a/_locales/en_GB/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/en_GB/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Protects you against tracking through \"free\", centralised, content delivery.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Protects you against tracking through \"free\", centralised, content delivery.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Disable protection for this site",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Disable protection for this site",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Enable protection",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Enable protection",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Counter for locally injected resources",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Counter for locally injected resources",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Amount of local Content Delivery Network resource injections since installation.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Amount of local Content Delivery Network resource injections since installation.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Options",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Options",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Display injection counts on icon",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Display injection counts on icon",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"Show the number of injected resources on the extension icon.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "Show the number of injected resources on the extension icon.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Block requests for missing resources",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Block requests for missing resources",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Cancel intercepted request if the required resource is not locally available.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Cancel intercepted request if the required resource is not locally available.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Disable link prefetching",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Disable link prefetching",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Prevent disallowed requests from leaking out to delivery networks.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Prevent disallowed requests from leaking out to delivery networks.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Strip metadata from allowed requests",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Strip metadata from allowed requests",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Erase sensitive data from allowed CDN-requests for improved privacy.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Erase sensitive data from allowed CDN-requests for improved privacy.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Exclude domains from inspections",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Exclude domains from inspections",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Enter domains to whitelist them. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;).",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Enter domains to whitelist them. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;).",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Advanced",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Advanced",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/es/messages.json b/_locales/es/messages.json
index 57327a7..1c787fc 100644
--- a/_locales/es/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/es/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Protégete contra rastreo a través de entrega de contenido centralizado \"gratis\".",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Protégete contra rastreo a través de entrega de contenido centralizado \"gratis\".",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Desactivar protección en este sitio",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Desactivar protección en este sitio",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Activar protección",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Activar protección",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Contador para fuentes inyectadas localmente",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Contador para fuentes inyectadas localmente",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Cifra de inyecciones de fuentes de Redes de Entrega de Contenido desde instalación.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Cifra de inyecciones de fuentes de Redes de Entrega de Contenido desde instalación.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Opciones",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Opciones",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Mostrar el conteo de inyecciones en el icono",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Mostrar el conteo de inyecciones en el icono",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"Mostrar el número de recursos inyectados en el icono de extensión.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "Mostrar el número de recursos inyectados en el icono de extensión.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Bloquear peticiones de fuentes faltantes",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Bloquear peticiones de fuentes faltantes",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Cancelar peticiones detenidas si la fuente requerida no se encuentra localmente.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Cancelar peticiones detenidas si la fuente requerida no se encuentra localmente.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Deshabilitar la captura previa de enlaces",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Deshabilitar la captura previa de enlaces",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Prevenir que las solicitudes no permitidas se escapen hacia redes de distribución.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Prevenir que las solicitudes no permitidas se escapen hacia redes de distribución.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Remover metadatos de las solicitudes permitidas",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Remover metadatos de las solicitudes permitidas",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Borrar datos sensibles de solicitudes CDN autorizadas para mejorar la privacidad.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Borrar datos sensibles de solicitudes CDN autorizadas para mejorar la privacidad.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Excluir dominios de inspecciones",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Excluir dominios de inspecciones",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Ingresar dominios a ser ignorados. Separar múltiples entradas con punto y coma (;).",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Ingresar dominios a ser ignorados. Separar múltiples entradas con punto y coma (;).",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Avanzado",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Avanzado",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/et/messages.json b/_locales/et/messages.json
index 26a9206..1fe2ac9 100644
--- a/_locales/et/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/et/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Kaitseb sind \"tasuta\", tsentraliseeritud sisu edastamisest tuleneva jälitamise vastu.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Kaitseb sind \"tasuta\", tsentraliseeritud sisu edastamisest tuleneva jälitamise vastu.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Keela kaitse sellel saidil",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Keela kaitse sellel saidil",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Luba kaitse",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Luba kaitse",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Kohalikult sisestatud ressursside loendur",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Kohalikult sisestatud ressursside loendur",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Kohalike sisuedastusvõrkude ressursisisestuste arv alates installimisest.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Kohalike sisuedastusvõrkude ressursisisestuste arv alates installimisest.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Valikud",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Valikud",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Kuva sisestuste arvu ikoonil",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Kuva sisestuste arvu ikoonil",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"Kuva sisestatud ressursside arvu laienduse ikoonil.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "Kuva sisestatud ressursside arvu laienduse ikoonil.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Blokeeri puuduvate ressursside taotlused",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Blokeeri puuduvate ressursside taotlused",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Tühista kinnipüütud taotlus, kui vajaminev ressurss ei ole kohalikult saadaval.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Tühista kinnipüütud taotlus, kui vajaminev ressurss ei ole kohalikult saadaval.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Keela lingi eellaadimine",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Keela lingi eellaadimine",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Väldi keelatud taotluste väljalekkimist edastusvõrkudele.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Väldi keelatud taotluste väljalekkimist edastusvõrkudele.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Eemalda lubatud taotlustelt metaandmed",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Eemalda lubatud taotlustelt metaandmed",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Kustuta tundlikud andmed lubatud sisuedastusvõrkude taotlustest parema privaatsuse saamiseks.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Kustuta tundlikud andmed lubatud sisuedastusvõrkude taotlustest parema privaatsuse saamiseks.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Välista uuritavaid domeene",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Välista uuritavaid domeene",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Sisesta domeenid, et lisada need valgesse nimekirja. Eralda mitu üksust semikoolonitega (;).",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Sisesta domeenid, et lisada need valgesse nimekirja. Eralda mitu üksust semikoolonitega (;).",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Edasijõudnuile",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Edasijõudnuile",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/hu/messages.json b/_locales/hu/messages.json
index 9e59815..e677d77 100644
--- a/_locales/hu/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/hu/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Védelem az \"ingyenes\" centralizált content delivery hálózatok megfigyelésétől.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Védelem az \"ingyenes\" centralizált content delivery hálózatok megfigyelésétől.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Védelem kikapcsolása ezen az oldalon",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Védelem kikapcsolása ezen az oldalon",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Védelem bekapcsolása",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Védelem bekapcsolása",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Helyből beszúrt erőforrások számlálója",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Helyből beszúrt erőforrások számlálója",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Telepítés óta beszúrt helyi Content Delivery Network erőforrások száma.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Telepítés óta beszúrt helyi Content Delivery Network erőforrások száma.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Beállítások",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Beállítások",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Beszúrások számlálójának megjelenítése az ikonon",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Beszúrások számlálójának megjelenítése az ikonon",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"A beszúrt erőforrások számának megjelenítése a bővítmény ikonján.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "A beszúrt erőforrások számának megjelenítése a bővítmény ikonján.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Hiányzó erőforrások blokkolása",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Hiányzó erőforrások blokkolása",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Megszakított kérések blokkolása, amennyiben a kért erőforrás nem érhető el helyben.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Megszakított kérések blokkolása, amennyiben a kért erőforrás nem érhető el helyben.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Link prefetching letiltása",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Link prefetching letiltása",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Letiltott kérések kiszivárgásának megakadályozása.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Letiltott kérések kiszivárgásának megakadályozása.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Metaadatok törlése az engedélyezett kérésekből",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Metaadatok törlése az engedélyezett kérésekből",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Érzékeny adatok törlése az engedélyezett CDN kérésekből.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Érzékeny adatok törlése az engedélyezett CDN kérésekből.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Domainek vizsgálatának elhagyása",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Domainek vizsgálatának elhagyása",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Írj be domaineket, amik ne legyenek megvizsgálva. Az egyes elemeket pontosvesszővel (;) kell elválasztani.",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Írj be domaineket, amik ne legyenek megvizsgálva. Az egyes elemeket pontosvesszővel (;) kell elválasztani.",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Speciális",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Speciális",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/id/messages.json b/_locales/id/messages.json
index a66ffc1..0fbf08a 100644
--- a/_locales/id/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/id/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Melindungi Anda dari pelacakan distribusi konten \"gratis\" dan terpusat.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Melindungi Anda dari pelacakan distribusi konten \"gratis\" dan terpusat.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Nonaktifkan perlindungan untuk situs web ini",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Nonaktifkan perlindungan untuk situs web ini",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Aktifkan perlindungan",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Aktifkan perlindungan",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Jumlah sumber daya lokal yang disematkan",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Jumlah sumber daya lokal yang disematkan",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Jumlah penyematan sumber daya Jaringan Distribusi Konten lokal sejak pemasangan.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Jumlah penyematan sumber daya Jaringan Distribusi Konten lokal sejak pemasangan.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Opsi",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Opsi",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Tampilkan jumlah penyematan pada ikon",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Tampilkan jumlah penyematan pada ikon",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"Tampilkan jumlah sumber yang disematkan pada ekstensi ikon.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "Tampilkan jumlah sumber yang disematkan pada ekstensi ikon.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Blokir permintaan untuk sumber daya yang hilang",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Blokir permintaan untuk sumber daya yang hilang",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Batalkan pencegatan permintaan jika sumber daya yang dibutuhkan tidak tersedia secara lokal.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Batalkan pencegatan permintaan jika sumber daya yang dibutuhkan tidak tersedia secara lokal.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Nonaktifkan tautan pra pengambilan",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Nonaktifkan tautan pra pengambilan",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Mencegah permintaan yang tidak diizinkan bocor ke jaringan pengiriman.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Mencegah permintaan yang tidak diizinkan bocor ke jaringan pengiriman.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Kupas metadata dari permintaan yang diizinkan",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Kupas metadata dari permintaan yang diizinkan",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Hapus data sensitif dari permintaan CDN yang diizinkan untuk meningkatkan privasi.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Hapus data sensitif dari permintaan CDN yang diizinkan untuk meningkatkan privasi.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Cegah pemeriksaan domain",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Cegah pemeriksaan domain",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Masukkan domain ke daftar putih. Pisahkan entri dengan titik koma (;).",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Masukkan domain ke daftar putih. Pisahkan entri dengan titik koma (;).",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Canggih",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Canggih",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/ja/messages.json b/_locales/ja/messages.json
index 393dcc1..7c3a6fe 100644
--- a/_locales/ja/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/ja/messages.json
@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
     "message": "エラー内容",
     "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/pl/messages.json b/_locales/pl/messages.json
index 3d5abd2..9b41c95 100644
--- a/_locales/pl/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/pl/messages.json
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-  "extensionDescription":{
-    "message":"Chroni przed śledzeniem przez ośrodki CDN.",
-    "description":"Extension description."
+  "extensionDescription": {
+    "message": "Chroni przed śledzeniem przez ośrodki CDN.",
+    "description": "Extension description."
-  "disableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"Wyłącz ochronę dla tej witryny",
-    "description":"Disable protection title."
+  "disableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "Wyłącz ochronę dla tej witryny",
+    "description": "Disable protection title."
-  "enableProtectionTitle":{
-    "message":"WÅ‚Ä…cz ochronÄ™",
-    "description":"Enable protection title."
+  "enableProtectionTitle": {
+    "message": "WÅ‚Ä…cz ochronÄ™",
+    "description": "Enable protection title."
-  "amountInjectedTitle":{
-    "message":"Licznik zasobów podanych lokalnie",
-    "description":"Amount injected title."
+  "amountInjectedTitle": {
+    "message": "Licznik zasobów podanych lokalnie",
+    "description": "Amount injected title."
-  "amountInjectedDescription":{
-    "message":"Ilość wstrzyknięć z lokalnego Content Delivery Network od czasu instalacji.",
-    "description":"Amount injected description."
+  "amountInjectedDescription": {
+    "message": "Ilość wstrzyknięć z lokalnego Content Delivery Network od czasu instalacji.",
+    "description": "Amount injected description."
-  "optionsTitle":{
-    "message":"Ustawienia",
-    "description":"Options title."
+  "optionsTitle": {
+    "message": "Ustawienia",
+    "description": "Options title."
-  "showIconBadgeTitle":{
-    "message":"Wyświetl licznik wstrzyknięć na ikonie",
-    "description":"Show icon badge title."
+  "showIconBadgeTitle": {
+    "message": "Wyświetl licznik wstrzyknięć na ikonie",
+    "description": "Show icon badge title."
-  "showIconBadgeDescription":{
-    "message":"Pokaż ilość wstrzykniętych zasobów na ikonie rozszerzenia.",
-    "description":"Show icon badge description."
+  "showIconBadgeDescription": {
+    "message": "Pokaż ilość wstrzykniętych zasobów na ikonie rozszerzenia.",
+    "description": "Show icon badge description."
-  "blockMissingTitle":{
-    "message":"Blokuj żądania brakujących zasobów",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources title."
+  "blockMissingTitle": {
+    "message": "Blokuj żądania brakujących zasobów",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
-  "blockMissingDescription":{
-    "message":"Anuluj przechwycone żądania jeśli wymagany zasób nie jest dostępny lokalnie.",
-    "description":"Block requests for missing resources description."
+  "blockMissingDescription": {
+    "message": "Anuluj przechwycone żądania jeśli wymagany zasób nie jest dostępny lokalnie.",
+    "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
-  "disablePrefetchTitle":{
-    "message":"Wyłącz wczesne pobieranie linków",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch title."
+  "disablePrefetchTitle": {
+    "message": "Wyłącz wczesne pobieranie linków",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch title."
-  "disablePrefetchDescription":{
-    "message":"Zapobiegaj wyciekaniu zabronionych zapytań do systemów dostarczania.",
-    "description":"Disable prefetch description."
+  "disablePrefetchDescription": {
+    "message": "Zapobiegaj wyciekaniu zabronionych zapytań do systemów dostarczania.",
+    "description": "Disable prefetch description."
-  "stripMetadataTitle":{
-    "message":"Usuwaj metadane z dozwolonych zapytań",
-    "description":"Strip metadata title."
+  "stripMetadataTitle": {
+    "message": "Usuwaj metadane z dozwolonych zapytań",
+    "description": "Strip metadata title."
-  "stripMetadataDescription":{
-    "message":"Usuwaj wrażliwe dane z dozwolonych zapytań do CDN aby zwiększyć prywatność.",
-    "description":"Strip metadata description."
+  "stripMetadataDescription": {
+    "message": "Usuwaj wrażliwe dane z dozwolonych zapytań do CDN aby zwiększyć prywatność.",
+    "description": "Strip metadata description."
-  "whitelistedDomainsTitle":{
-    "message":"Wyklucz domeny z analizy",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains title."
+  "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
+    "message": "Wyklucz domeny z analizy",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
-  "whitelistedDomainsDescription":{
-    "message":"Podaj domeny aby dodać je do białej listy. Oddziel wpisy średnikami (;).",
-    "description":"Whitelisted domains description."
+  "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
+    "message": "Podaj domeny aby dodać je do białej listy. Oddziel wpisy średnikami (;).",
+    "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
-  "advancedLabel":{
-    "message":"Zaawansowane",
-    "description":"Advanced label."
+  "advancedLabel": {
+    "message": "Zaawansowane",
+    "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_locales/sv/messages.json b/_locales/sv/messages.json
index 72053e4..fde2ed6 100644
--- a/_locales/sv/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/sv/messages.json
@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
     "message": "Avancerad",
     "description": "Advanced label."
\ No newline at end of file