settings_label = %s Settings
security_label = Security
standard_label = Standard
standard_description = All %s and website features are enabled.
safer_label = Safer
safer_description = Disables website features that are often dangerous, causing some sites to lose functionality.
safer_list_label = At this safer setting
safest_label = Safest
safest_description = Only allows website features required for static and basic services. These changes affect images, media, and scripts.
safest_list_label = At the safest setting
learn_more_label = Learn More
js_on_https_sites_only = JavaScript is disabled on non-HTTPS sites.
js_disabled = JavaScript is disabled by default on all sites.
limit_typography = Some fonts and math symbols are disabled.
limit_graphics_and_typography = Some fonts, icons, math symbols and images are disabled.
tap_to_play_media = Audio and video (HTML5 media) are tap-to-play.