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  • Synzvato/decentraleyes
  • gkrishnaks/decentraleyes
  • ExE-Boss/decentraleyes
  • whtsky/decentraleyes
  • grtgarrett/decentraleyes
  • An_dz/decentraleyes
  • Alaska/decentraleyes
  • finn/decentraleyes
  • klippy/decentraleyes
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5.6 KiB

* Data Handler
* Belongs to Decentraleyes.
* @author Thomas Rientjes
* @since 2014-05-30
* @license MPL 2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
'use strict';
* Imports
var { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome');
var self = require('sdk/self');
//noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
var ioService = Cc[';1']
* Absolute resource file paths.
* @var {object} files
var files = require('./files');
* Constants
const DELIVERY_NOTICE = '/**\n * Local delivery by Decentraleyes (' + self.version + ').\n */\n\n';
* Variables
var resourceData =;
* Public Methods
function getRedirectionURI(targetPath, characterSet, type) {
var data, dataURI, redirectionURI;
data = _loadResource(targetPath);
dataURI = _buildDataURI(type, characterSet, data);
redirectionURI = ioService.newURI(dataURI, null, null);
return redirectionURI;
* Exports
exports.getRedirectionURI = getRedirectionURI;
* Private Methods
function _loadResource(targetPath) {
var resource;
// Find the result inside a static path index.
if (!files[targetPath]) {
throw new Error('The requested resource is missing.');
// Attempt to load resource contents.
return resource = resourceData.load(targetPath);
function _buildDataURI(type, characterSet, data) {
var addNotice, dataURI;
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
addNotice = require('sdk/simple-prefs').prefs.addNotice;
dataURI = 'data:' + type + ';charset=' + characterSet + ',';
// Remove the syntax invalidation character.
data = data.substring(1);
if (!addNotice) {
dataURI = dataURI + encodeURIComponent(data);
} else {
dataURI = dataURI + encodeURIComponent(DELIVERY_NOTICE + data);
return dataURI;
* Interceptor
* Belongs to Decentraleyes.
* @author Thomas Rientjes
* @since 2014-05-30
* @license MPL 2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
'use strict';
* Imports
var { Class } = require('sdk/core/heritage');
var { Unknown } = require('sdk/platform/xpcom');
var { Cc, Ci, Cr } = require('chrome');
* Gets and sets add-on specific preferences.
* @var {object} simplePreferences
var simplePreferences = require('sdk/simple-prefs');
* Retains data across application restarts.
* @var {object} simpleStorage
var simpleStorage = require('sdk/simple-storage');
//noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
var observerService = Cc[';1']
var requestAnalyzer = require('./request-analyzer');
var dataHandler = require('./data-handler');
* Variables
var preferences = simplePreferences.prefs;
var storage =;
* Interceptor Class
var Interceptor = new Class({
extends: Unknown,
interfaces: ['nsIObserver'],
topic: 'http-on-modify-request',
register: function () {
observerService.addObserver(this, this.topic, false);
unregister: function () {
observerService.removeObserver(this, this.topic);
* Called whenever an HTTP request is made.
* @param httpChannel
observe: function (httpChannel) {
var validCandidate, target, characterSet, redirectionURI;
// Enable runtime discovery.
// Determine the validity of the candidate.
validCandidate = requestAnalyzer.isValidCandidate(httpChannel);
if (!validCandidate) {
// Remove referer header from request.
httpChannel.setRequestHeader('Referer', null, false);
// Convert the original request URI to a local target.
target = requestAnalyzer.getLocalTarget(, httpChannel.URI.path);
if (!target) {
return this.handleMissingCandidate(httpChannel);
characterSet = httpChannel.URI.originCharset;
// Fetch local data and create a redirection URI.
try {
redirectionURI = dataHandler.getRedirectionURI(target.path, characterSet, target.type);
} catch (exception) {
return this.handleMissingCandidate(httpChannel);
// Fix for reported edge-case issues with specific websites.
var initiatorDomain =
httpChannel.loadInfo && httpChannel.loadInfo.loadingDocument && httpChannel.loadInfo.loadingDocument.domain ||
httpChannel.referrer &&;
if (storage.taintedDomains[initiatorDomain] || /yandex\./.test(initiatorDomain)) {
return this.handleMissingCandidate(httpChannel);
// Redirect the HTTP channel to the the local destination.
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
* Called when a valid candidate cannot be injected.
* @param httpChannel
handleMissingCandidate: function (httpChannel) {
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (preferences.blockMissing) {
* Exports
module.exports = Interceptor;
* Load Watcher
* Belongs to Decentraleyes.
* @author Thomas Rientjes
* @since 2016-02-04
* @license MPL 2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
'use strict';
* Imports
var { Class } = require('sdk/core/heritage');
var { Unknown, Factory } = require('sdk/platform/xpcom');
var { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require('chrome');
var xpcom = require('sdk/platform/xpcom');
* Resource version mappings.
* @var {object} mappings
var mappings = require('./mappings');
* Retains data across application restarts.
* @var {object} simpleStorage
var simpleStorage = require('sdk/simple-storage');
//noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
var categoryManager = Cc[';1']
* Constants
const CONTRACT_ID = ';1';
const SCRIPT_ELEMENT = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLScriptElement;
* Variables
var storage =;
* Tainted domains that are not automatically detectable.
* @var {object} undetectableTaintedDomains
var undetectableTaintedDomains = {
'': true,
'': true,
'': true,
'': true,
'': true
* Initializations
Object.extend = function (destination, source) {
for (var property in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
destination[property] = source[property];
return destination;
storage.taintedDomains = storage.taintedDomains || {};
storage.taintedDomains = Object.extend(storage.taintedDomains, undetectableTaintedDomains);
* Load Watcher Class
var LoadWatcher = new Class({
extends: Unknown,
interfaces: ['nsIContentPolicy'],
get wrappedJSObject() {
return this
register: function () {
categoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry('content-policy', CONTRACT_ID, false);
categoryManager.addCategoryEntry('content-policy', CONTRACT_ID, CONTRACT_ID, false, true);
shouldLoad: function (contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, node) {
if (contentType == SCRIPT_CONTENT_TYPE && mappings[]) {
if (node instanceof SCRIPT_ELEMENT) {
if (node.hasAttribute('crossorigin') || node.hasAttribute('integrity')) {
// Add corresponding origin domain to the list of tainted domains.
storage.taintedDomains[] = true;
// Accept the resource load request.
* Load Watcher Factory
var factory = Factory({
contract: CONTRACT_ID,
Component: LoadWatcher,
unregister: false
* Unregister
var unload = require('sdk/system/unload');
unload.when(function () {
function trueUnregister() {
categoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry('content-policy', CONTRACT_ID, false);
try {
} catch (exception) {
if ('dispatch' in Cu) {
Cu.dispatch(trueUnregister, trueUnregister);
} else {
Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm');, 0);
* Exports
module.exports = LoadWatcher;
* Entry Point
* Belongs to Decentraleyes.
* @author Thomas Rientjes
* @since 2014-05-30
* @license MPL 2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
'use strict';
* Imports
var Interceptor = require('./interceptor');
var LoadWatcher = require('./load-watcher');
var preferences = require('sdk/simple-prefs').prefs;
var self = require('sdk/self');
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
* Main
var interceptor = new Interceptor();
var loadWatcher = new LoadWatcher();
var featurelessVersions = {
'1.3.7': true
// Executed as soon as the add-on is loaded.
exports.main = function (options) {
// Initialize add-on state.
if (preferences.showReleaseNotes) {
if (options.loadReason === 'install' || (options.loadReason === 'upgrade' && !featurelessVersions[self.version])) {
if (preferences['sdk.baseURI']) {['sdk.baseURI'] + 'static/release-notes.html');
// Executed as soon as the add-on is unloaded.
exports.onUnload = function () {
// Clean up add-on state.
* Request Analyzer
* Belongs to Decentraleyes.
* @author Thomas Rientjes
* @since 2014-05-30
* @license MPL 2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
'use strict';
* Imports
* Resource version mappings.
* @var {object} mappings
var mappings = require('./mappings');
* Gets and sets add-on specific preferences.
* @var {object} simplePreferences
var simplePreferences = require('sdk/simple-prefs');
* Constants
const MAPPING_FILE_EXPRESSION = new RegExp('.map$', 'i');
const VERSION_EXPRESSION = /(?:\d{1,2}\.){1,3}\d{1,2}/;
const VERSION_PLACEHOLDER = '{version}';
const WEB_PREFIX_VALUE = 'www.';
const VALUE_SEPARATOR = ';';
* Variables
var preferences = simplePreferences.prefs;
var whitelistedDomains = {};
* Initializations
* Event Handlers
simplePreferences.on('domainWhitelist', _applyWhitelistPreference);
* Public Methods
exports.isValidCandidate = function (httpChannel) {
// See if the request is targeted at a Content Delivery Network.
if (mappings[] === undefined) {
return false;
// Attempt to determine the domain of the request initiator.
var initiatorDomain =
httpChannel.loadInfo && httpChannel.loadInfo.loadingDocument && httpChannel.loadInfo.loadingDocument.domain ||
httpChannel.referrer &&;
// If the request initiator could be determined and is whitelisted.
if (initiatorDomain && whitelistedDomains[_normalizeDomain(initiatorDomain)]) {
// Remove referer header from request.
httpChannel.setRequestHeader('Referer', null, false);
return false;
// Only requests of type GET can be valid candidates.
return httpChannel.requestMethod === 'GET';
exports.getLocalTarget = function (channelHost, channelPath) {
var hostMappings, basePath, resourceMappings;
// Use the proper mappings for the targeted host.
hostMappings = mappings[channelHost];
// Resource mapping files are never locally available.
if (MAPPING_FILE_EXPRESSION.test(channelPath)) {
return false;
basePath = _matchBasePath(hostMappings, channelPath);
resourceMappings = hostMappings[basePath];
if (!resourceMappings) {
return false;
// Return either the local target's path or false.
return _findLocalTarget(resourceMappings, basePath, channelPath);
* Private Methods
function _matchBasePath(hostMappings, channelPath) {
for (let basePath of Object.keys(hostMappings)) {
if (channelPath.startsWith(basePath)) {
return basePath;
return false;
function _findLocalTarget(resourceMappings, basePath, channelPath) {
var resourcePath, versionNumber, resourcePattern;
resourcePath = channelPath.replace(basePath, '');
versionNumber = resourcePath.match(VERSION_EXPRESSION);
resourcePattern = resourcePath.replace(versionNumber, VERSION_PLACEHOLDER);
// Determine if the resource path has a static mapping.
if (resourceMappings[resourcePath]) {
// Prepare and return a local target.
return {
path: resourceMappings[resourcePath].path,
type: resourceMappings[resourcePath].type
// Determine if the resource path fits into a resource mold.
for (let resourceMold of Object.keys(resourceMappings)) {
if (resourcePattern.startsWith(resourceMold)) {
// Prepare and return a local target.
return {
path: resourceMappings[resourceMold].path.replace(VERSION_PLACEHOLDER, versionNumber),
type: resourceMappings[resourceMold].type
return false;
function _normalizeDomain(domain) {
domain = domain.toLowerCase().trim();
if (domain.startsWith(WEB_PREFIX_VALUE)) {
domain = domain.slice(WEB_PREFIX_LENGTH);
return domain;
function _applyWhitelistPreference() {
whitelistedDomains = {};
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
preferences.domainWhitelist.split(VALUE_SEPARATOR).forEach(function (domain) {
whitelistedDomains[_normalizeDomain(domain)] = true;
* Resources
* Belongs to Decentraleyes.
* @author Thomas Rientjes
* @since 2014-05-30
* @license MPL 2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
'use strict';
* Resources
var resources = {
// AngularJS
angular: {
path: 'resources/angularjs/{version}/angular.min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Backbone.js
backbone: {
path: 'resources/backbone.js/{version}/backbone-min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Dojo
dojo: {
path: 'resources/dojo/{version}/dojo/dojo.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Ember.js
ember: {
path: 'resources/ember.js/{version}/ember.min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Ext Core
extCore: {
path: 'resources/ext-core/{version}/ext-core.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// jQuery
jQuery: {
path: 'resources/jquery/{version}/jquery.min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// jQuery UI
jQueryUI: {
path: 'resources/jqueryui/{version}/jquery-ui.min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Modernizr
modernizr: {
path: 'resources/modernizr/{version}/modernizr.min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// MooTools
mootools: {
path: 'resources/mootools/{version}/mootools-yui-compressed.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Prototype
prototypeJS: {
path: 'resources/prototype/{version}/prototype.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Scriptaculous
scriptaculous: {
path: 'resources/scriptaculous/{version}/scriptaculous.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// SWFObject
swfobject: {
path: 'resources/swfobject/{version}/swfobject.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Underscore.js
underscore: {
path: 'resources/underscore.js/{version}/underscore-min.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
// Web Font Loader
webfont: {
path: 'resources/webfont/{version}/webfont.js.dec',
type: 'application/javascript'
* Exports
module.exports = resources;
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Добавяне на коментари към местно извлечени файлове">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Автоматично вмъкване на известие към извлечените документи, за да се сигнализира местна доставка.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Блокиране на заявки за липсващи ресурси">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Отмяна на прехванатата заявка, ако изисквания ресурс не е наличен на местно ниво.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Изключване на домейните от инспекции">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Въведете домейни, които да се добавят в белия списък. Отделете стойностите с точка и запетая.">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Брояч за местно вмъкнати ресурси">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Количество на местни вмъквания на ресурси от началото на инсталацията.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Tilføj kommentarer til lokalt hentede filer">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Tilføj automatiskt en notits til filer, så det fremgår at de er leveret lokalt.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Bloker anmodninger om manglende ressourcer">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Annullerer en anmodning hvis den forespurgte ressource ikke findes lokalt.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Udeluk disse domæner fra inspektion">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Tilføj domæner der ikke skal opfanges. Separer flere med semikolon (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Optælling af lokalt leverede ressourcer">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Antal injektioner af lokale ressourcer siden installation.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Kennzeichne lokal abgerufene Dateien">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Füge automatisch Kommentare an lokal ausgelieferte Bibliotheken hinzu.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Blockiere Anfordern fehlender Inhalte">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Abgefangene Anforderung unterbinden, falls angeforderte Datei nicht lokal verfügbar ist.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Domains von Prüfung ausschließen">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Gebe zu ignorierende Domains an. Trenne mehrere Einträge durch Semikolons (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Zähler für lokal injizierte Ressourcen">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Anzahl der lokalen Injektionen von den CDN-Ressourcen seit der Installation.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Add comments to locally fetched files">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Automatically prepend a notice to retrieved documents to signal local delivery.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Block requests for missing resources">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Cancel intercepted request if the required resource is not locally available.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Exclude domains from inspections">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Enter domains to whitelist them. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Counter for locally injected resources">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Amount of local Content Delivery Network resource injections since installation.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Add comments to locally fetched files">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Automatically prepend a notice to retrieved documents to signal local delivery.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Block requests for missing resources">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Cancel intercepted request if the required resource is not locally available.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Exclude domains from inspections">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Enter domains to whitelist them. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Counter for locally injected resources">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Amount of local Content Delivery Network resource injections since installation.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Aldoni komentojn al lokaj dosieroj">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Aldoni sciigon al enmetitaj dokumentoj por marki ke ili estas lokaj risurcoj.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Bloki petojn por mankaj risurcoj">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Bloki petojn interkaptitajn se la petitan risurcon ne loke haveblas.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Neinspektendaj domajnoj">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Entajpu demajnojn, kiujn Decentraleyes ne devas inspekti. Disigu domajnojn per punktokomoj (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Nombrilo de loke enmetiaj risurcoj">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Kvanto de lokaj CDN-risurcoj enmetitaj ekde instaliĝo.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Añadir notas a archivos obtenidos localmente">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Anteponer un aviso a documentos obtenidos para señalar entrega local.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Bloquear peticiones de fuentes faltantes">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Cancelar peticiones detenidas si la fuente requerida no se encuentra localmente.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Excluir dominios de inspecciones">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Ingresar dominios a ser ignorados. Separar múltiples entradas con punto y coma (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Contador para fuentes inyectadas localmente">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Cifra de inyecciones de fuentes de Redes de Entrega de Contenido desde instalación.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Merkitse korvatut tiedostot">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Lisää alkuun ilmoituksen paikallisesti noudetuille tiedostoille.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Estä pyynnöt puuttuviin resursseihin">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Estää pyynnöt jos paikallista sisältöä ei ole saatavilla.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Poissulje verkkotunnukset">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Lisää verkkotunnus jottei sitä korvata. Erota rivit puolipisteellä (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Korvatut pyynnöt">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Korvatut sisältöpyynnöt lisäosan asennuksen jälkeen.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Pointer les documents joints localement">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Accoler une notice aux documents récupérés pour en signaler l'origine locale.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Bloquer les ressources manquantes">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Annuler une demande de ressource si elle est indisponible localement.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Ne pas inspecter certains domaines">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Indiquez les domaines à exclure. Séparer les noms par un point-virgule (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Compteur des ressources injectées">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Total des ressources des CDN injectées localement depuis l'installation.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Tambahkan komentar ke berkas lokal yang disimpan">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Secara otomatis menambahkan pemberitahuan untuk mengambil dokumen untuk sinyal pengiriman lokal.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Blokir permintaan untuk sumber daya yang hilang">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Batalkan intersep permintaan jika sumber daya yang dibutuhkan tidak tersedia secara lokal.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Cegah inspeksi domain">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Masukkan domain ke daftar putih. Pisahkan entri dengan titik koma (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Sumber daya lokal yang disematkan">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Jumlah penyematan sumber daya Jaringan Distribusi Konten lokal sejak pemasangan.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Aggiungere commenti a file raccolti localmente">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Antepone automaticamente un avviso ai documenti recuperati per segnalare la distribuzione locale.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Bloccare richieste di risorse mancanti">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Annullare la richiesta intercettata se la risorsa necessaria non è disponibile localmente.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Escludere domini dalle ispezioni">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Inserire domini nella whitelist per escluderli. Separare voci multiple con punti e virgola (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Contatore per risorse iniettate localmente">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Quantità di iniezioni di risorse dalla Rete di Distribuzione di Contenuti locale sin dall'installazione.">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "ローカルからのファイルにコメントを追加する">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "ローカルCDNから取得したドキュメントにその旨を記載する。">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "存在しないリソースへの要求をブロック">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "必要なリソースがローカルで利用できない場合、リクエストを取り消す。">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "保護から除外するドメイン">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "ホワイト リストにドメインを入力します。複数のエントリをセミコロン (;) で区切ります。">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "ローカルから挿入されたリソースの数">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "インストールから起算した、ローカルCDNのリソース使用数。">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.title "Notities aan lokale bestanden toevoegen">
<!ENTITY options.addNotice.description "Voorzie alle door deze add-on opgehaalde bestanden automatisch van een notitie.">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.title "Stop verzoeken voor ontbrekende items">
<!ENTITY options.blockMissing.description "Annuleer een onderschept verzoek wanneer het bestand niet lokaal beschikbaar is.">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.title "Sluit domeinen uit van inspecties">
<!ENTITY options.domainWhitelist.description "Voer de te negeren domeinen in. Scheid de waarden met puntkomma's (;).">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.title "Teller voor lokaal geïnjecteerde bestanden">
<!ENTITY options.amountInjected.description "Aantal lokale Content Delivery Network-bestandsinjecties sinds installatie.">