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  • Synzvato/decentraleyes
  • gkrishnaks/decentraleyes
  • ExE-Boss/decentraleyes
  • whtsky/decentraleyes
  • grtgarrett/decentraleyes
  • An_dz/decentraleyes
  • Alaska/decentraleyes
  • finn/decentraleyes
  • klippy/decentraleyes
9 results
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Commits on Source (218)
with 615 additions and 567 deletions
"env": {
"browser": true,
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"webextensions": true
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
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"helpers": true,
"interceptor": true,
"mappings": true,
"requestAnalyzer": true,
"Resource": true,
"resources": true,
"Setting": true,
"stateManager": true,
"WebRequest": true,
"Whitelist": true,
"wrappers": true
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audit/node_modules .idea
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Decentraleyes # Decentraleyes
A [web browser extension]( that emulates Content Delivery Networks to improve your online privacy. It intercepts traffic, finds supported resources locally, and injects them into the environment. All of this happens automatically, so no prior configuration is required. Feel free to use the following [testing utility]( to find out if you are properly protected. A [web browser extension]( that emulates Content Delivery Networks to improve your online privacy. It intercepts traffic, finds supported resources locally, and injects them into the environment. All of this happens automatically, so no prior configuration is required. Feel free to use the following [testing utility]( to find out if you are properly protected. For more information, please read this [basic introduction](
> **Note:** Decentraleyes is no silver bullet, but it does prevent a lot of websites from making you send these kinds of requests. Ultimately, you can make Decentraleyes block requests for any missing CDN resources, too. > **Note:** Decentraleyes is no silver bullet, but it does prevent a lot of websites from making you send these kinds of requests. Ultimately, you can make Decentraleyes block requests for any missing CDN resources, too.
## Contributing Code ## Contributing Code
Suggestions in the form of **Issues**, and contributions in the form of **Pull Requests**, are highly welcome. You can also use the public contact details and PGP key on the extension's [contact page]( to get in touch. Suggestions in the form of **Issues**, and contributions in the form of **Merge Requests**, are highly welcome. Code **Forks** can be requested from within issues, or via email. You can use the contact details and public PGP key on the extension's [contact page]( to get in touch.
#### Prerequisites ### Prerequisites
* Mozilla Firefox 56 *(or higher)*. * Mozilla Firefox 115 *(or higher)*.
> **Note:** If you want to contribute to the Firefox legacy extension, please check out the ```legacy``` branch. If you are looking for the Chromium-compatible codebase, please see the ```experimental``` branch. > **Note:** If you would like to contribute to the Firefox legacy extension, please check out the ```legacy``` branch. If you are looking for the Chromium-compatible codebase, please see the ```experimental``` branch.
#### Running the Code ### Running the Code
Please read this [short guide]( for information on how to run this extension from source. Please read this [developer guide]( for information on how to run the extension from source.
> **Important:** All commits since 26 October 2016 are signed with GPG. It's likely best to ignore unsigned commits, unless you really know what you're doing. Please send an email if you have any questions or security concerns. > **Important:** All tagged commits since 26 October 2016 are signed with GPG. It's likely best to ignore unsigned commits, unless you really know what you're doing. Please send an email if you have any questions or security concerns.
## Submitting Translations ## Submitting Translations
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"يحميك من التتبع المرتبط بالوصول للمحتوى \"مجاني\"، مركزية.", "message": "يحميك من التتبع المرتبط بالوصول للمحتوى \"مجاني\"، مركزية.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"أوقف الحماية لهذا الموقع", "message": "أوقف الحماية لهذا الموقع",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"فعّل الحماية", "message": "فعّل الحماية",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"عداد محلي للموارد المحقونة", "message": "عداد محلي للموارد المحقونة",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"إجمالي موارد الـ CDN اللتي تم حقنها محليا منذ التثبيت.", "message": "إجمالي موارد الـ CDN اللتي تم حقنها محليا منذ التثبيت.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"الخيارات", "message": "الخيارات",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"عرض مجموع الحقن على الأيقونة", "message": "عرض مجموع الحقن على الأيقونة",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"إظهار عدد الموارد المحقونة على أيقونة الملحق.", "message": "إظهار عدد الموارد المحقونة على أيقونة الملحق.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"حظر طلبات الموارد المفقودة", "message": "حظر طلبات الموارد المفقودة",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"إلغاء طلب الموارد إذا كانت متوفرة محليا.", "message": "إلغاء طلب الموارد إذا كانت متوفرة محليا.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"تعطيل الجلب المسبق للرابط", "message": "تعطيل الجلب المسبق للرابط",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"الحيلولة دون تسرّب الطلبات الممنوعة الى شبكات التوصيل.", "message": "الحيلولة دون تسرّب الطلبات الممنوعة الى شبكات التوصيل.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"إزالة بيانات التعريف من الطلبات المسموحة", "message": "إزالة بيانات التعريف من الطلبات المسموحة",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"مسح البيانات الحساسة من طلبات CDN المسموحة لتحسين الخصوصية.", "message": "مسح البيانات الحساسة من طلبات CDN المسموحة لتحسين الخصوصية.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"لا تتفحص النطاقات", "message": "لا تتفحص النطاقات",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"حدد النطاقات التي سوف يتم تجاهلها. إفصل المداخل المتعددة بـفاصلة منقوطة (;).", "message": "حدد النطاقات التي سوف يتم تجاهلها. إفصل المداخل المتعددة بـفاصلة منقوطة (;).",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"متقدم", "message": "متقدم",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"Защитава ви от следене чрез свободна, централизирана доставка на съдържание.", "message": "Защитава ви от следене чрез свободна, централизирана доставка на съдържание.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Изключване на защитата за страницата", "message": "Изключване на защитата за страницата",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Включване на защита", "message": "Включване на защита",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"Брояч за местно вмъкнати ресурси", "message": "Брояч за местно вмъкнати ресурси",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"Количество на местни вмъквания на ресурси от началото на инсталацията.", "message": "Количество на местни вмъквания на ресурси от началото на инсталацията.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"Настройки", "message": "Настройки",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"Показване на броя на вмъкванията в иконката", "message": "Показване на броя на вмъкванията в иконката",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"Показване на броя на вмъкнатите ресурси в иконката на разширението.", "message": "Показване на броя на вмъкнатите ресурси в иконката на разширението.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"Блокиране на заявки за липсващи ресурси", "message": "Блокиране на заявки за липсващи ресурси",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"Отмяна на прехванатата заявка, ако изисквания ресурс не е наличен на местно ниво.", "message": "Отмяна на прехванатата заявка, ако изисквания ресурс не е наличен на местно ниво.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"Изключване на предварителното извличане на препратки", "message": "Изключване на предварителното извличане на препратки",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"Предотвратява изтичането на забранени заявки към мрежи за доставка.", "message": "Предотвратява изтичането на забранени заявки към мрежи за доставка.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"Премахване на метаданните от разрешени заявки", "message": "Премахване на метаданните от разрешени заявки",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"Изтриване на чувствителни данни от допустимите заявки от МДС за подобряване на неприкосновеността.", "message": "Изтриване на чувствителни данни от допустимите заявки от МДС за подобряване на неприкосновеността.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"Изключване на домейни от проверки", "message": "Изключване на домейни от проверки",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"Въведете домейни, които да се добавят в белия списък. Отделете стойностите с точка и запетая.", "message": "Въведете домейни, които да се добавят в белия списък. Отделете стойностите с точка и запетая.",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"Подробности", "message": "За напреднали",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
"extensionDescription": {
"message": "\"ফ্রি\", কেন্দ্রীয় কন্টেন্ট ডেলিভারি থেকে তোমাকে রক্ষা করে।",
"description": "Extension description."
"disableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "এই সাইটের জন্য নিরাপত্তা চালু/বন্ধ করো",
"description": "Disable protection title."
"enableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "নিরাপত্তা চালু করো",
"description": "Enable protection title."
"amountInjectedTitle": {
"message": "স্থানীয়ভাবে ইনজেক্টকৃত রিসোর্সের গণনা",
"description": "Amount injected title."
"amountInjectedDescription": {
"message": "ইনস্টলেশনের পর থেকে স্থানীয়ভাবে কনটেন্ট ডেলিভারি নেটওয়ার্কের ইনজেক্টকৃত রিসোর্সের পরিমান।",
"description": "Amount injected description."
"optionsTitle": {
"message": "অপশন",
"description": "Options title."
"showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message": "ইনজেকসন সংখ্যা আইকনে দেখাও",
"description": "Show icon badge title."
"showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message": "আইকনে ইনজেক্টকৃত রিসোর্সের সংখ্যা দেখাও",
"description": "Show icon badge description."
"blockMissingTitle": {
"message": "নিখোঁজ রিসোর্সের জন্য অনুরোধগুলো বন্ধ করো",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
"blockMissingDescription": {
"message": "প্রয়োজনীয় রিসোর্স স্থানীয়ভাবে না পেলে অনুরোধ বাতিল করো।",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
"disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message": "লিঙ্ক প্রিফেচিং বন্ধ করো",
"description": "Disable prefetch title."
"disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message": "বিতরণ নেটওয়ার্কগুলোতে অনুরোধগুলি ফাঁস হওয়া থেকে প্রতিরোধ করো।",
"description": "Disable prefetch description."
"stripMetadataTitle": {
"message": "বৈধ রিকোয়েস্ট থেকে মেটাডাটা সরাও",
"description": "Strip metadata title."
"stripMetadataDescription": {
"message": "উন্নত গোপনীয়তার জন্য অনুমোদিত সিডিএন অনুরোধগুলি থেকে সংবেদনশীল ডেটা মুছো।",
"description": "Strip metadata description."
"whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message": "পরিদর্শন থেকে ডোমেনগুলো বাদ দাও",
"description": "Whitelisted domains title."
"whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message": "তাদের প্রবেশ তালিকাভুক্ত করার জন্য ডোমেনগুলো দাও। একাধিক ভুক্তি সেমি-কোলন দিয়ে পৃথক করো(;)।",
"description": "Whitelisted domains description."
"advancedLabel": {
"message": "উন্নততর",
"description": "Advanced label."
"extensionDescription": {
"message": "Us protegeix contra el seguiment mitjançant un lliurament de contingut \"gratuït\" i centralitzat.",
"description": "Extension description."
"disableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "Deshabilitar protecció per aquest lloc",
"description": "Disable protection title."
"enableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "Habilitar protecció",
"description": "Enable protection title."
"amountInjectedTitle": {
"message": "Comptador de recursos injectats localment",
"description": "Amount injected title."
"amountInjectedDescription": {
"message": "Quantitat d'injeccions de recursos locals de xarxes de distribució de continguts des de la instal·lació",
"description": "Amount injected description."
"optionsTitle": {
"message": "Opcions",
"description": "Options title."
"showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message": "Mostrar la quantitat d'injeccions a la icona",
"description": "Show icon badge title."
"showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message": "Mostra el número de recursos injectats a la icona de l'extensió",
"description": "Show icon badge description."
"blockMissingTitle": {
"message": "Bloqueja peticions per falta de recursos",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
"blockMissingDescription": {
"message": "Cancel·la les peticions interceptades si el recurs sol·licitat no està disponible localment.",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
"disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message": "Deshabilitar pre-càrrega d'enllaços",
"description": "Disable prefetch title."
"disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message": "Prevenir que que les peticions no permeses s'escapin cap a les xarxes de distribució.",
"description": "Disable prefetch description."
"stripMetadataTitle": {
"message": "Esborrar metadades de peticions permeses",
"description": "Strip metadata title."
"stripMetadataDescription": {
"message": "Esborrar dades sensibles de peticions CDN autorizades para millorar la privacitat.",
"description": "Strip metadata description."
"whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message": "Excloure dominis de les inspeccions",
"description": "Whitelisted domains title."
"whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message": "Introduir els dominis que seran ignorats. Separar més d'una entrada amb punt i coma (;)",
"description": "Whitelisted domains description."
"advancedLabel": {
"message": "Avançat",
"description": "Advanced label."
"extensionDescription": {
"message": "Chrání před sledováním skrze centrálně doručovaný obsah.",
"description": "Extension description."
"disableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "Zakázat ochranu na této stránce",
"description": "Disable protection title."
"enableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "Zapnout ochranu",
"description": "Enable protection title."
"amountInjectedTitle": {
"message": "Počítadlo vložených lokálních zdrojů",
"description": "Amount injected title."
"amountInjectedDescription": {
"message": "Počet lokální uložených zdrojů vložených od instalace.",
"description": "Amount injected description."
"optionsTitle": {
"message": "Možnosti",
"description": "Options title."
"showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message": "Zobrazovat počet vložení u ikony",
"description": "Show icon badge title."
"showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message": "Zobrazit počet vložených zdrojů u ikony rozšíření.",
"description": "Show icon badge description."
"blockMissingTitle": {
"message": "Blokovat požadavky na chybějící zdroje",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
"blockMissingDescription": {
"message": "Zrušit požadavky na sledované zdroje, pokud nejsou lokálně dostupné.",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
"disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message": "Zakázat přednačítání odkazů",
"description": "Disable prefetch title."
"disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message": "Předejte nepovoleným požadavkům do sítí pro doručování obsahu.",
"description": "Disable prefetch description."
"stripMetadataTitle": {
"message": "Odstranit metadata z povolených požadavků",
"description": "Strip metadata title."
"stripMetadataDescription": {
"message": "Pro zlepšení soukromí odstraní citlivá data z povolených požadavků na CDN.",
"description": "Strip metadata description."
"whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message": "Nekontrolovat pro domény",
"description": "Whitelisted domains title."
"whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message": "Zadejte domény pro jejich vynechání z kontroly. Jednotlivé domény oddělujte pomocí středníků (;).",
"description": "Whitelisted domains description."
"advancedLabel": {
"message": "Rozšířené",
"description": "Advanced label."
...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ ...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
"message": "Avanceret", "message": "Avanceret",
"description": "Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription": { "extensionDescription": {
"message": "Schützt vor Tracking durch \"gratis\", zentralisiertes, Abliefern von Content.", "message": "Schützt vor Tracking durch \"gratis\", zentralisiertes Abliefern von Content.",
"description": "Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle": { "disableProtectionTitle": {
...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ ...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
"message": "Erweitert", "message": "Erweitert",
"description": "Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ ...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
"message": "Για προχωρημένους", "message": "Για προχωρημένους",
"description": "Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"Protects you against tracking through \"free\", centralised, content delivery.", "message": "Protects you against tracking through \"free\", centralised, content delivery.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Disable protection for this site", "message": "Disable protection for this site",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Enable protection", "message": "Enable protection",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"Counter for locally injected resources", "message": "Counter for locally injected resources",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"Amount of local Content Delivery Network resource injections since installation.", "message": "Amount of local Content Delivery Network resource injections since installation.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"Options", "message": "Options",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"Display injection counts on icon", "message": "Display injection counts on icon",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"Show the number of injected resources on the extension icon.", "message": "Show the number of injected resources on the extension icon.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"Block requests for missing resources", "message": "Block requests for missing resources",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"Cancel intercepted request if the required resource is not locally available.", "message": "Cancel intercepted request if the required resource is not locally available.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"Disable link prefetching", "message": "Disable link prefetching",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"Prevent disallowed requests from leaking out to delivery networks.", "message": "Prevent disallowed requests from leaking out to delivery networks.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"Strip metadata from allowed requests", "message": "Strip metadata from allowed requests",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"Erase sensitive data from allowed CDN-requests for improved privacy.", "message": "Erase sensitive data from allowed CDN-requests for improved privacy.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"Exclude domains from inspections", "message": "Exclude domains from inspections",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"Enter domains to whitelist them. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;).", "message": "Enter domains to whitelist them. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;).",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"Advanced", "message": "Advanced",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ ...@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
"message": "Advanced", "message": "Advanced",
"description": "Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"Decentraleyes protektas vin kontraŭ sekvado per senkosta, centra enhavoprovizado.", "message": "Decentraleyes protektas vin kontraŭ sekvado per senkostaj, centraj enhav-proviz-retoj.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Malaktivigi protekton por tiu ĉi retejo", "message": "Malaktivigi protekton por tiu ĉi retejo",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Aktivigi protekton", "message": "Aktivigi protekton",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"Nombrilo de loke enmetiaj risurcoj", "message": "Nombro de loke enmetitaj rimedoj",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"Kvanto de lokaj CDN-risurcoj enmetitaj ekde instaliĝo.", "message": "Kvanto de lokaj CDN-risurcoj enmetitaj ekde instaliĝo.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"Elektebloj", "message": "Elektebloj",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"Display injection counts on icon", "message": "Montri nombrilon sur piktogramo",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"Show the number of injected resources on the extension icon.", "message": "Montri nombron da enmetataj risurcoj sur la aldonaĵa piktogramo.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"Bloki petojn por mankaj risurcoj", "message": "Bloki petojn por mankaj risurcoj",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"Bloki petojn interkaptitajn se la petitan risurcon ne loke haveblas.", "message": "Bloki petojn interkaptitajn se la petitan risurcon ne loke haveblas.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"Disable link prefetching", "message": "Ne antaŭlegi ligilojn",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"Prevent disallowed requests from leaking out to delivery networks.", "message": "Bloki malpermesatajn petojn por preventi tralasojn al enhav-proviz-retoj.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"Strip metadata from allowed requests", "message": "Forigi metadatumojn el permesataj petoj",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"Erase sensitive data from allowed CDN requests for improved privacy.", "message": "Forviŝi delikatajn datumojn el permesataj CDN-petoj por plibonigi privatecon.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"Neinspektendaj domajnoj", "message": "Neinspektendaj domajnoj",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"Entajpu demajnojn, kiujn Decentraleyes ne devas inspekti. Disigu domajnojn per punktokomoj (;).", "message": "Entajpu demajnojn, kiujn Decentraleyes ne devas inspekti. Disigu domajnojn per punktokomoj (;).",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"Spertula", "message": "Spertula",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"Protégete contra rastreo a través de entrega de contenido centralizado \"gratis\".", "message": "Protege contra el rastreo con la entrega centralizada y «gratuita» de contenido.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Desactivar protección en este sitio", "message": "Deshabilitar protección en este sitio",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Activar protección", "message": "Habilitar protección",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"Contador para fuentes inyectadas localmente", "message": "Contador de recursos inyectados localmente",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"Cifra de inyecciones de fuentes de Redes de Entrega de Contenido desde instalación.", "message": "Cantidad de inyecciones de recursos locales de redes de distribución de contenidos desde la instalación.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"Opciones", "message": "Opciones",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"Mostrar el conteo de inyecciones en el icono", "message": "Mostrar la cantidad de inyecciones en el icono",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"Mostrar el número de recursos inyectados en el icono de extensión.", "message": "Mostrar el número de recursos inyectados en el icono de la extensión.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"Bloquear peticiones de fuentes faltantes", "message": "Bloquear peticiones de recursos faltantes",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"Cancelar peticiones detenidas si la fuente requerida no se encuentra localmente.", "message": "Cancelar las peticiones interceptadas cuando el recurso requerido no se encuentra localmente.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"Deshabilitar la captura previa de enlaces", "message": "Deshabilitar pre-carga de enlaces",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"Prevenir que las solicitudes no permitidas se escapen hacia redes de distribución.", "message": "Impedir que las peticiones no permitidas se escapen hacia redes de distribución.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"Remover metadatos de las solicitudes permitidas", "message": "Borrar metadatos de peticiones permitidas",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"Borrar datos sensibles de solicitudes CDN autorizadas para mejorar la privacidad.", "message": "Borrar datos sensibles de peticiones CDN autorizadas para mejorar la privacidad.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"Excluir dominios de inspecciones", "message": "Excluir dominios de inspecciones",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"Ingresar dominios a ser ignorados. Separar múltiples entradas con punto y coma (;).", "message": "Ingresa los dominios que serán ignorados. Separa múltiples entradas con punto y coma (;).",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"Avanzado", "message": "Avanzado",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"Kaitseb sind \"tasuta\", tsentraliseeritud sisu edastamisest tuleneva jälitamise vastu.", "message": "Kaitseb sind \"tasuta\", tsentraliseeritud sisu edastamisest tuleneva jälitamise vastu.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Keela kaitse sellel saidil", "message": "Keela kaitse sellel saidil",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Luba kaitse", "message": "Luba kaitse",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"Kohalikult sisestatud ressursside loendur", "message": "Kohalikult sisestatud ressursside loendur",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"Kohalike sisuedastusvõrkude ressursisisestuste arv alates installimisest.", "message": "Kohalike sisuedastusvõrkude ressursisisestuste arv alates installimisest.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"Valikud", "message": "Valikud",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"Kuva sisestuste arvu ikoonil", "message": "Kuva sisestuste arvu ikoonil",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"Kuva sisestatud ressursside arvu laienduse ikoonil.", "message": "Kuva sisestatud ressursside arvu laienduse ikoonil.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"Blokeeri puuduvate ressursside taotlused", "message": "Blokeeri puuduvate ressursside taotlused",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"Tühista kinnipüütud taotlus, kui vajaminev ressurss ei ole kohalikult saadaval.", "message": "Tühista kinnipüütud taotlus, kui vajaminev ressurss ei ole kohalikult saadaval.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"Keela lingi eellaadimine", "message": "Keela lingi eellaadimine",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"Väldi keelatud taotluste väljalekkimist edastusvõrkudele.", "message": "Väldi keelatud taotluste väljalekkimist edastusvõrkudele.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"Eemalda lubatud taotlustelt metaandmed", "message": "Eemalda lubatud taotlustelt metaandmed",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"Kustuta tundlikud andmed lubatud sisuedastusvõrkude taotlustest parema privaatsuse saamiseks.", "message": "Kustuta tundlikud andmed lubatud sisuedastusvõrkude taotlustest parema privaatsuse saamiseks.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"Välista uuritavaid domeene", "message": "Välista uuritavaid domeene",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"Sisesta domeenid, et lisada need valgesse nimekirja. Eralda mitu üksust semikoolonitega (;).", "message": "Sisesta domeenid, et lisada need valgesse nimekirja. Eralda mitu üksust semikoolonitega (;).",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"Edasijõudnuile", "message": "Edasijõudnuile",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription": { "extensionDescription": {
"message": "Suojaa sinua \"ilmaisten\" keskitettyjen sisällön jakeluverkkojen jäljityksel.", "message": "Suojaa sinua \"ilmaisen\", keskitetyn sisällön jakelun välityksellä tapahtuvalta seurannalta.",
"description": "Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle": { "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message": "Poista suojaus tältä sivustolta", "message": "Poista suojaus käytöstä tällä sivustolla",
"description": "Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle": { "enableProtectionTitle": {
...@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ ...@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
"description": "Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle": { "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message": "Korvatut pyynnöt", "message": "Paikallisesti korvattua resurssia",
"description": "Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription": { "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message": "Korvatut sisältöpyynnöt lisäosan asennuksen jälkeen.", "message": "Paikallisilla resursseilla korvattujen pyyntöjen määrä asennuksen jälkeen.",
"description": "Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle": { "optionsTitle": {
...@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ ...@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
"description": "Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle": { "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message": "Näytä kohteiden määrä kuvakkeessa", "message": "Näytä korvausmäärä kuvakkeessa",
"description": "Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription": { "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message": "Näyttää turvattujen kohteiden määrän lisäosan kuvakkeessa.", "message": "Näyttää korvattujen resurssien määrän lisäosan kuvakkeessa.",
"description": "Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle": { "blockMissingTitle": {
...@@ -36,35 +36,35 @@ ...@@ -36,35 +36,35 @@
"description": "Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription": { "blockMissingDescription": {
"message": "Estää pyynnöt jos paikallista sisältöä ei ole saatavilla.", "message": "Peru kaapattu pyyntö, jos tarvittavaa resurssia ei ole saatavilla paikallisesti.",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle": { "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message": "Estä linkkien esihaku", "message": "Poista linkkien esihaku käytöstä",
"description": "Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription": { "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message": "Estä kiellettyjä sisältöpyyntöjä vuotamasta keskitettyihin jakeluverkkoihin.", "message": "Estä kiellettyjä pyyntöjä vuotamasta jakeluverkkoihin.",
"description": "Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle": { "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message": "Poista metatiedot sallituista sisältöpyynnöistä", "message": "Poista metatiedot sallituista pyynnöistä",
"description": "Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription": { "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message": "Poista arkaluontoiset tiedot jakeluverkkojen sisältöpyynnöistä yksityisyyden parantamiseksi.", "message": "Poista arkaluontoiset tiedot jakeluverkkojen pyynnöistä yksityisyyden parantamiseksi.",
"description": "Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle": { "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message": "Poissulje verkkotunnukset", "message": "Tarkistuksesta poissuljettavat verkkotunnukset",
"description": "Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription": { "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message": "Lisää verkkotunnus jottei sitä korvata. Erota rivit puolipisteellä (;).", "message": "Syötä verkkotunnukset, joita ei tarkisteta. Erota useat verkkotunnukset puolipisteillä (;).",
"description": "Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel": { "advancedLabel": {
"message": "Edistynyt", "message": "Edistynyt",
"description": "Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"extensionDescription":{ "extensionDescription": {
"message":"Protège du pistage lié aux diffuseurs de contenus \"gratuits\", centralisés.", "message": "Protège du pistage lié aux diffuseurs de contenus « gratuits », centralisés.",
"description":"Extension description." "description": "Extension description."
}, },
"disableProtectionTitle":{ "disableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Désactiver la protection pour ce site", "message": "Désactiver la protection pour ce site",
"description":"Disable protection title." "description": "Disable protection title."
}, },
"enableProtectionTitle":{ "enableProtectionTitle": {
"message":"Activer la protection", "message": "Activer la protection",
"description":"Enable protection title." "description": "Enable protection title."
}, },
"amountInjectedTitle":{ "amountInjectedTitle": {
"message":"Compteur de ressources injectées localement", "message": "Compteur de ressources injectées localement",
"description":"Amount injected title." "description": "Amount injected title."
}, },
"amountInjectedDescription":{ "amountInjectedDescription": {
"message":"Quantité de ressource CDN injectées localement depuis l'installation.", "message": "Quantité de ressources CDN injectées localement depuis l'installation.",
"description":"Amount injected description." "description": "Amount injected description."
}, },
"optionsTitle":{ "optionsTitle": {
"message":"Options", "message": "Options",
"description":"Options title." "description": "Options title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeTitle":{ "showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message":"Affichage du nombre d'injections sur l'icône", "message": "Afficher le nombre dinjections sur licône",
"description":"Show icon badge title." "description": "Show icon badge title."
}, },
"showIconBadgeDescription":{ "showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message":"Affiche le nombre de ressources injectées sur l'icône d'extension.", "message": "Affiche le nombre de ressources injectées sur l'icône d'extension.",
"description":"Show icon badge description." "description": "Show icon badge description."
}, },
"blockMissingTitle":{ "blockMissingTitle": {
"message":"Bloquer les requêtes de ressources manquantes", "message": "Bloquer les requêtes de ressources manquantes",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources title." "description": "Block requests for missing resources title."
}, },
"blockMissingDescription":{ "blockMissingDescription": {
"message":"Annule la requête interceptée si la ressource requise n'est pas disponible localement.", "message": "Annule la requête interceptée si la ressource requise n'est pas disponible localement.",
"description":"Block requests for missing resources description." "description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
}, },
"disablePrefetchTitle":{ "disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message":"Désactiver le préchargement de lien", "message": "Désactiver le préchargement de lien",
"description":"Disable prefetch title." "description": "Disable prefetch title."
}, },
"disablePrefetchDescription":{ "disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message":"Empêcher que des requêtes non autorisées fuit du réseaux de distribution.", "message": "Empêche que des requêtes non autorisées fuient vers les réseaux de distribution.",
"description":"Disable prefetch description." "description": "Disable prefetch description."
}, },
"stripMetadataTitle":{ "stripMetadataTitle": {
"message":"Découper les métadonnées des requêtes autorisées", "message": "Découper les métadonnées des requêtes autorisées",
"description":"Strip metadata title." "description": "Strip metadata title."
}, },
"stripMetadataDescription":{ "stripMetadataDescription": {
"message":"Efface les données sensibles des demandes de CDN autorisées pour améliorer la confidentialité.", "message": "Efface les données sensibles des demandes de CDN autorisées pour améliorer la confidentialité.",
"description":"Strip metadata description." "description": "Strip metadata description."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsTitle":{ "whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message":"Exclure les domaines des inspections", "message": "Exclure les domaines des inspections",
"description":"Whitelisted domains title." "description": "Whitelisted domains title."
}, },
"whitelistedDomainsDescription":{ "whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message":"Entrez des domaines pour la liste blanche. Séparez les entrées multiples par des points-virgules (;).", "message": "Entrez des domaines pour la liste blanche. Séparez les entrées multiples par des points-virgules (;).",
"description":"Whitelisted domains description." "description": "Whitelisted domains description."
}, },
"advancedLabel":{ "advancedLabel": {
"message":"Avancé", "message": "Avancé",
"description":"Advanced label." "description": "Advanced label."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file