Further optimize application icon compression
Created by: da2x
Apply Zopfli lossless compression (zopflipng -m
Removes 3.3 KB from download/install size and lowers memory footprint.
Merge request reports
Hi @da2x. Thanks for pointing this out. The reason why none of the recently added icons have been optimized so far, is that I'm actually planning to get rid of most of them. Since most browsers now support
browser action icons, one single optimizedSVG
should suffice (see this compatibility matrix).That said, future plans are (of course) no reason to delay improvements that can benefit users today. So, thanks again. This is definitely a fine contribution, and I'll be sure to merge your Pull Request.
Created by: da2x
For your SVG optimizing needs then: https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/